Annual Women's Retreat

FRIDAY 7/26 - SUNDAY 7/28
Venue: sent to registrants only!
Times: 10:00AM Friday 7/28 - 12:00PM Sunday 7/30
Theme: Walk By The Spirit
1 Corinthians 6:17
"But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him "
We'll go without food from Friday to Sunday. Liquids only.
If you need modified fasting plan, please write to us.
Sleeping Arrangements
Bring  sleeping bag, blankets, pillow if needed. There are a limited number of beds that are distributed first come first served.
1) Can I attend partially? For example come only Friday or only Saturday, or only for all-night prayer? YES ! Please register so that we know that you are planning to come.
2) Can I bring my children? Yes. This is a women's retreat, so we're happy to accommodate moms of small children who can not stay at home. 
3) Is there parking? YES! Free parking is available in the neighborhood and in a school across the street.

Do you have another question? Please contact us!